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What We Stand For

Image by Katie Harp

Improve Affordability in South Jersey

In the legislature, Latham, Mike and Brandon will continue to:

  • Oppose tax increases on families, retirees, and small businesses

  • Support increasing wages for workers and their families

  • Make South Jersey more economically competitive and attract jobs

  • Protect and fully fund pensions the state has promised to deliver on


While there is a lot more to do, this past year, the team crossed party lines to support creation of a tax credit program that proposes to reduce taxes in half for qualifying seniors, increase property tax relief to municipalities, and deliver more funding for our schools.


Make Our Communities Safer & More Secure

In the legislature, Latham, Mike and Brandon will continue to:

  • Support more funding for our police, not less - NO “defunding the police”

  • Encourage more community policing initiatives to build trust and respect

  • Push for bail reform that keeps violent and repeat criminals off the streets

  • Oppose radical laws that allow minors to drink and do drugs without consequence

Image by Braxton Apana
Solar Panel Farm8


Promote Common Sense Energy Policy

In the legislature, Latham, Brandon and Mike will continue to:

  • Oppose Governor Murphy’s unaffordable and unrealistic “Energy Master Plan”

  • Fight radical new plans to ban the future use of gas stoves and gas cars

  • Promote a balanced energy policy that includes clean natural gas, nuclear, and renewable energies

  • Support green initiatives, but only if they are affordable and protect jobs


Enhance Education & Protect Parental Rights

In the legislature, Latham, Brandon and Mike will continue to:

  • Fight for full and fair funding of our local public schools

  • Empower parents on issues of school curriculum and age-appropriate lesson plans

  • Support teachers and direct money to the classrooms for instruction

  • Make sure our schools our safe and secure, including funding of police in schools

Doing Homework
Construction Managers

Invest in Critical Infrastructure to Enhance Quality of Life

In the legislature, Latham, Brandon and Mike will continue to:

  • Support increased funding and stable funding sources to make improvements to our roads, bridges and public transportation system

  • Partner with federal, state, county, and local agencies and officials to properly prioritize and direct funding to the projects that need it

  • Ensure that we continue to invest in recreation, parks, trails, open space and farmland preservation to keep development in check


Support Local Farmers and Our Agricultural Economy

In the legislature, Latham, Brandon and Mike will continue to:

  • Honor and grow the proud farming tradition of Burlington and Atlantic Counties - from Chesterfield to Mansfield to the bogs in the Pinelands, and never forget who puts food on our tables each week

  • Defend the rights and interests of our farmers facing increased commercial and residential development, onerous government regulations, and factory farming by corporations trying to undercut them

  • Promote innovative ideas like low-to-no interest loans to farmers, tax deductions for farm equipment purchases, and advertising campaigns for our fresh produce and meat

  • Increase farmland preservation payouts through the state in order to compete with developers. No one can blame a farmer for selling their land to a developer in order to provide for their families. It is the state’s job to make competitive offers to preserve that land for the future generation of farmers

Young Female Farmer
Veteran Family


Honor the Service and Sacrifice of Veterans and their Families

In the legislature, Latham, Mike and Brandon will continue to:

  • Recognize the training and skills veterans obtained in the military and help them apply that to civilian careers through preference hiring, credits towards education experience, and licenses for skills they already picked up in the military

  • Protect the future of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst and the tens of thousands of jobs and billions of economic impact it creates by working on veteran housing legislation, increasing veteran benefits, and making sure our nursing homes for veterans are safe and affordable

  • Work with our federal representatives on both sides of the aisle to deliver new and diverse missions to the base that ensure its long-term viability


Deliver on the Promises We’ve Made to our Seniors and Retirees

In the legislature, Latham, Mike and Brandon will continue to:

  • Fight to reduce the costs of medical care and drug prices for all seniors, and especially those with low and fixed incomes

  • Strengthen consumer protections to prevent fraud and scams that too often target seniors either on the phone, via text, or on the internet

  • Expand the Senior Property Tax Freeze program, implement the new StayNJ program and its 50% property tax credit for seniors

Two older people sitting
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